The T&D Insurance Group has established the Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the president of T&D Holdings and consisting mainly of officers in charge of sustainability/CSR at each Group company. Under this Committee, we are pushing ahead with unified Groupwide CSR activities.

The Group Sustainability Promotion Committee serves as the cornerstone for promoting sustainability. It formulates basic policies for the Group’s sustainability promotion activities and selects priority areas, along with drawing up annual plans and regularly confirming the implementation status of those plans. Since fiscal 2019, we have set four sustainability priority themes under which we are working to promote sustainability.

Priority Theme 1: Promote healthy and abundant lives for all people

  • Providing insurance products and services that meet the needs of society
  • Support for maintaining good health
FY2022 results/performance
  • Provided the Preventive Insurance Series Himawari Dementia Prevention Insurance and Cancer/Critical Illness Prevention Insurance to prevent diseases with insurance
  • Provided children’s medical insurance, which enables the policyholder to differ from the insured person
  • Provided Kaisha Minnade KENCO+, a new health promotion-type full range of protection that promotes health-oriented management by SMEs
  • Provided Hybrid Asset Life single-premium variable whole life insurance
  • Deployed Taiyo’s GENKI Project to encourage good health
  • Commenced Dodai?, a web service for working on resolving social issues with SMEs
  • Bolstered product lineups to respond to diversifying customer needs
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Continue contributing to resolving social issues and developing and providing high-quality, optimal insurance products and services that meet customer needs
  • Continue to provide services to support initiatives aimed at maintaining the health of our customers and society as a whole

Priority Theme 2: Provide workplace environments that enable all people to participate actively

  • Creating a flexible and vibrant workplace where diverse human resources can demonstrate their abilities with a motivation to work and grow
    (work style reforms, promotion of active roles for women, promotion of a diverse workforce)
  • Creating a healthy and safe working environment
FY2022 results/performance
  • Implemented Group-internal human resource training and exchange, the in-house open recruitment of employees seeking specific positions, and a support system for studying in Japan and overseas
  • Set a target ratio of female managers and encouraged the promotion of women
  • Extended the retirement age to 65, introduced an employment system enabling people to work until they are 70, and held life planning seminars
  • Helped SME owners confirm employee safety in the event of a large-scale disaster
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Continue to advance the creation of a flexible and vibrant workplace where diverse human resources can demonstrate their abilities with a motivation to work and grow

Priority Theme 3: Help mitigate and adapt to climate change

Reduction in CO2 Emissions

  • Period: FY2021–FY2025
  • Scope: Buildings owned or leased and used by Group companies
  • Baseline: CO2 emissions in FY2013 (value per unit of floor space)
  • Target: At least 40% reduction from baseline by FY2025
FY2022 results/performance
  • Reduced CO2 emissions by setting targets for reducing electricity consumption, controlling energy consumption, and advancing the introduction of renewable energy
  • FY2022 results: 0.0435 t/m2, 64.6% of baseline (35.4% reduction from baseline)
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Reduced CO2 emissions by continuing to promote initiatives to reduce electricity consumption and promote the introduction of renewable energy

Reduction in power consumption

  • Period: FY2018–FY2027
  • Scope: Buildings owned or leased and used by Group companies
  • Baseline: Power consumed in FY2016
  • Target: More than 10% reduction in power consumption per floor space
FY2022 results/performance
  • Implemented a multitude of measures, including enforcing lights-out before business hours and during lunch breaks, turning off office appliances, setting a “no overtime day,” and investing in energy conservation when newly constructing or renewing the facilities of real estate holdings (including investment buildings).
  • FY2022 results: 98.8 kWh/m2, 89.0% of baseline (11.0% reduction from baseline)
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by continuing to promote efforts to reduce power consumption through the measures listed on the left

Reduction in office paper use

  • Period: FY2019–FY2023
  • Scope: Paper used at head offices of Group companies
  • Baseline: Average of office paper usage between FY2014 and FY2018
  • Target: 12% reduction from baseline
FY2022 results/performance
  • Reduced usage by promoting paperless meetings, reducing storage documents, adding PC sub-monitors, installing PC connection monitors to meeting tables, managing the number of copies, promoting digitization of insurance policy provisions, etc.
  • Reduced by 25.0% from baseline in FY2022
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Initiate a new five-year target from FY2019 to further reduce paper usage

Priority Theme 4: Invest to help build a sustainable society

  • Contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through ESG investments that take into account environmental, social, and corporate governance issues
  • Exercising voting rights as a responsible institutional investor and promoting dialogues with investees
FY2022 results/performance
  • Invested in and provided loans for projects aimed at contributing to the resolution of various ESG issues, including green bonds and social bonds
  • Implemented initiatives aimed at engaging in dialogues with investment and loan recipients to help them achieve net zero emissions as well as green finance (investment in and loans for projects in the environmental field)
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Continue conducting investment, lending, and engagement activities based on the T&D Insurance Group ESG Investment Policy as well as the Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors (Japan’s Stewardship Code)


  • Disseminating information related to the promotion of Group sustainability
FY2022 results/performance
  • Issued a sustainability report and expanded the information disclosed on the website
  • Disseminated sustainability/CSR-related information within the Group through Group newsletters and training including e-learning
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Expand report disclosure information and the dissemination of sustainability-related information
  • Continue measures to raise the sustainability awareness of executives and employees through education and training

Contribution to local communities and society

  • Group joint blood donations
  • Charity calendar exhibitions
FY2022 results/performance
  • Held blood donation twice a year in cooperation with the head offices of each Group company
  • Held a charity calendar exhibition with the cooperation of our business partners and donated the proceeds to facilities for people with disabilities
Activities planned for FY2023
  • Continue the efforts to contribute to society listed on the left

The T&D Insurance Group has issued a "Sustainability Report" that gives further details on Sustainability. Please see the report for information on the Group's other Sustainability activities.