CSR Priority Areas

The T&D Life Group is promoting the Group’s CSR activities by identifying CSR priority areas from the various fields of CSR activity related to its business activities, which should be prioritized from both the magnitude of the impact on stakeholders and the steady and sustainable improvement of the Group’s corporate value, as “Providing Better Products and Services,” “Respect for Human Rights” and “Global Environmental Protection.”

Figure: CSR Priority Areas

Process for Selecting Priority Areas

Categorize fields of activity

Referencing the ISO 26000 standard and the GRI guidelines, the Group has categorized its CSR activities into 15 areas.

Prioritize each field

The three fields were selected as choices of priority areas based on a quantitative assessment of both their impact on stakeholders*1 and their impact on the Group’s steady and sustainable improvement of the corporate value*2.

  • *1 Assessed based on findings from stakeholder dialogues, criteria of SRI assessment organizations, and the status of other companies’ CSR efforts.
  • *2 Assessed based on relevance to the T&D Life Group’s corporate philosophy, management vision and Group CSR Charter, and the nature of the Group’s CSR activities.

Evaluate and select priority areas

The three choices for priority areas were confirmed as relatively high priority in terms of social concern and the degree of intensity of demand for initiatives, realization of the Group’s corporate philosophy, management vision and the Group CSR Charter, and in terms of contribution to SDGs*3, were then selected as priority areas.

  • *3 “Sustainable Development Goals” refers to the goals adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015, for the realization of sustainable development at the global level through the cooperation of the global community.

Verify the appropriateness of priority areas

  • The Group had a hearing and a verification check of the evidence of the priority area selection process from the thirdparty organization and received a report on the results of the review.
  • The Group CSR Committee (chaired by the president of T&D Holdings) deliberated and approved the selection of priority areas, which were reported to the Board of Directors.
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