T&D Holdings IR Policy

1. Purpose of IR Activities

T&D Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) strives to promote investor relations (“IR”) activities based on the core principles of timeliness, fairness and accuracy, with the aim of garnering the trust of and proper evaluation from shareholders, investors, and so forth.

2. Basic Policy

The Company strives to clearly and continuously provide information on the T&D Insurance Group's business environment and management strategies, financial condition, and performance to shareholders, investors, and so forth. The Company will disclose information stipulated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Insurance Business Act, other related laws and ordinances, and the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in a timely, appropriate and fair manner.

3. IR Information

The Company provides the following IR-related information in addition to statutory and mandatory reporting requirements (including financial statements, Annual Securities Report ("YUHO Report”), earnings releases, "TANSHIN Report," and other timely information).

  • Materials of IR events (conferences, financial results meetings, IR fairs, etc.) for investors and analysts.
  • Integrated Reports and other IR-related booklets/publications.

The IR information described above will be posted appropriately on the Company's website, including pages for shareholders, investors, and so forth.

4. Structure Related to IR Activities

The Company's top management is in principle responsible for all IR activities and statements. However, employees in charge of IR may act on behalf of the management depending on the nature of the IR event, its scale, or other factors.
The department in charge of IR handles all inquiries from shareholders, investors, and so forth concerning the Company's IR activities.

5. Feedback to Management

Information gathered from shareholders, investors, and so forth through IR activities is fed back appropriately to the management and reported regularly to the Board of Directors and other committees.

6. Silent Period

In order to ensure fairness and prevent the unauthorized disclosure of financial information, the Company maintains a "Silent Period" in its IR activities for three weeks prior to the announcement of quarterly financial results. During this period, the Company refrains from commenting on financial results, and, in principle, from participating in IR events and holding IR meetings.