Sustainability Topics

Sustainability Data

Organization Profile

Initiatives to address the working environment

Initiatives to address Corporate Governance

Initiatives to Address the Environment

Other Initiatives

Organization Profile

Financial Highlights

The major financial indicators of the T&D Insurance Group can be viewed in the graphs and tables, and the information on the Results of Operation, Balance Sheet, Embedded Value (EV), and Per Share Indices have been posted.

Credit Ratings

T&D Holdings and the three life insurance companies of the T&D Insurance Group have obtained ratings as follows.
Each of the ratings are assessed by an independent credit rating agency in regards to the certainty of an obligor to honor its financial obligations by T&D Holdings, and the Ability to Pay Insurance Claims by the insurance company. Ratings are shown clearly in alphabetize signs etc.

Insurance Payout Amount

FY2022 Insurance claim Benefit (hospitalization, surgery, etc.) Annuity Total
Consolidated (¥ billion) 411.2 194.5 311.3 917.1

* Amounts under ¥100 million are rounded off

Initiatives to address the working environment

Employment of People with Disabilities

Employment of People with Disabilities at the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 ★
Employment rate of people with disabilities 2.60% 2.54% 2.48%

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

Taking of Maternity, Childcare Leave and Nursing Care Leave

Taking of Maternity, Childcare Leave and Nursing Care Leave at the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees taking maternity leave Total 372 415 458
Number of employees eligible to take childcare leave Total 456 497 538
Men 84 82 80
Women 372 415 458
Number of employees taking childcare leave Total 415 463 485
Men 84 82 80
Women 331 381 405
Number of employees taking nursing care leave Total 3 3 1
Men 1 0 0
Women 2 3 1

* Taking of Maternity and Childcare Leave at the Three Life Insurance Companies

* The number of administrative personnel of the three life insurance companies who have returned to work after taking childcare leave is as follows.

  • Fiscal 2020 172 (96.6%) (Men 84 (100%), Women 88 (93.6%))
  • Fiscal 2021 146 (95.4%) (Men 74 (100%), Women 72 (91.1%))
  • Fiscal 2022 162 (100%) (Men 78 (100%), Women 84 (100%))

Taking Paid Leave

Average Number of Paid Leave Days Taken by Administrative Personnel of Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Average number of paid leave days taken 16.1 16.5 16.7

Workforce Composition

Employee Composition by Age Group
Number of employees March 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023
Total (men and women) Total 17,945 17,963 18,396
Under 30 2,880 2,967 3,146
30-50 8,000 7,854 8,012
Over 50 7,065 7,142 7,238
Men Total 3,379 3,356 3,352
Under 30 438 438 454
30-50 1,779 1,723 1,660
Over 50 1,162 1,195 1,238
Women Total 14,566 14,607 15,044
Under 30 2,442 2,529 2,692
30-50 6,221 6,131 6,352
Over 50 5,903 5,947 6,000

* Number of employees at the three life insurance companies (including in-house sales representatives)

Number of People Hired /Number Leaving Employment

Number Hired
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end
Total (men and women) Total 283 4.94% 270 4.71% 291 5.02%
Under 30 258 4.50% 234 4.08% 241 4.15%
30-50 20 0.35% 34 0.59% 47 0.81%
Over 50 5 0.09% 2 0.04% 3 0.05%
Men Total 113 1.97% 104 1.82% 133 2.29%
Under 30 99 1.73% 94 1.64% 114 1.97%
30-50 10 0.18% 10 0.18% 19 0.33%
Over 50 4 0.07% 0 0
Women Total 170 2.97% 166 2.90% 158 2.72%
Under 30 159 2.77% 140 2.44% 127 2.19%
30-50 10 0.18% 24 0.42% 28 0.48%
Over 50 1 0.02% 2 0.04% 3 0.05%

* Number of administrative personnel hired at the three life insurance companies each fiscal year. All percentages are based on the number of employees at the end of each fiscal year.

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end Number of People Percentage compared to number of employees at fiscal year end
Total (men and women) Total 258 4.50% 273 4.77% 261 4.50%
Under 30 70 7.22% 77 7.58% 78 7.28%
30-50 66 2.18% 65 2.22% 101 3.55%
Over 50 122 7.02% 131 7.36% 82 4.35%
Men Total 140 4.51% 138 4.50% 120 3.90%
Under 30 24 5.80% 38 9.09% 27 6.17%
30-50 34 2.01% 30 1.84% 56 3.56%
Over 50 82 8.25% 70 6.90% 37 3.47%
Women Total 118 4.49% 135 5.07% 141 5.18%
Under 30 46 8.27% 39 6.52% 51 8.05%
30-50 32 2.40% 35 2.69% 45 3.54%
Over 50 40 5.38% 61 7.96% 45 5.50%

* Number of administrative personnel leaving employment at the three life insurance companies each fiscal year. All percentages are based on the number of employees at the end of each fiscal year.

* The number of persons leaving employment includes those who have reached mandatory retirement age, those who have left to assume posts as officers, and those who have died.

* Over 50 includes Fixed-term contract (shokutaku) employees.

Voluntary turnover rate
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Voluntary turnover rate 3.02% 3.19% 3.79%
Workforce Diversity Data
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Average years employed by the company for female employees 18.1 18.1 17.6
Average years employed by the company for male employees 19.3 19.8 19.6

* Calculations are based on data from three core life insurance companies.

Labor Unionization

Labor Unionization of the Administrative Personnel of the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Labor unionization rate 80.5% 80.6% 81.9%

Acquisition of Health Management Qualifications

Number of Administrative Personnel of the Three Life Insurance Companies Who Acquired Qualifications
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
1,166 1,064 1,075

* Number of eligible employees at the end of the fiscal year

Occurrence of Occupational Accidents

Number of Occupational Accidents among Administrative Personnel of the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
34 44 31
Number of Deaths from Occupational Accidents of Employees at the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
0 0 0


Absence of the Administrative Personnel of the Three Life Insurance Companies
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Absentee Rate 0.62% 0.55% 0.61%

* Total days lost due to absenteeism / Total days scheduled to be worked

Education and Training

Average amount spent per full time employee on training and development
Average hours per full time employee of training and development
7.5 hours

* Human capital training at the three life insurance companies.

Initiatives to Address Corporate Governance

Number of Directors

Chairman of the board of directors President
Term of Office of Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

The term of office of Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) shall expire upon conclusion of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held regarding the last business year ending within one year after their election.

Term of Office of Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

The term of office of Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members shall expire upon conclusion of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held regarding the last business year ending within two years after their election.

Directors Total 12
Men 11
Women 1
Outside directors 5 (including one woman)
Activities of outside directors
Outside directors make necessary statements as appropriate based on their professional viewpoints and extensive knowledge and experience at the Board of Directors meetings. Outside directors comprise experienced corporate managers such as attorneys with expertise in corporate legal affairs and partners in foreign-owned consulting firms, as well as certified public accountants and representatives of financial holding companies.
Additionally, as the chair or members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee, which is an advisory body to the Board of Directors, they deliberate on matters related to the election and dismissal of directors and executive officers (including succession planning) and executive compensation of the Company and its direct subsidiaries, and report their opinions to the Board of Directors.
Activities also include regular exchanges of views with the representative director, the independent auditor, the heads of the divisions under their supervision, and the representative directors of major subsidiaries.

Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

Audit and Supervisory Committee members Total 5
Men 4
Women 1
Outside Audit and Supervisory Committee members 3 (including one woman)
Activities of outside Audit and Supervisory Committee members
Audit and Supervisory Committee members, who serve as outside directors, have a wealth of experience and insight as corporate managers, accounting specialists, and legal experts. They consistently make important contributions to discussions at both Committee of Directors meetings and Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings. They also strive to understand the status of the Company's business execution through activities such as exchanging opinions with the representative director, the independent auditor, the heads of the divisions under their supervision, and those serving as Representative Director and President of major subsidiaries.

Number of Employees

Number of Employees (consolidated basis)
Business sector March 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023
Insurance and insurance-related businesses 18,354 (923) 18,411 (882) 18,794 (909)
Investment-related businesses 472 (15) 451 (16) 483 (20)
Administration-related businesses 789 (57) 783 (62) 739 (58)
Total 19,615 (995) 19,645 (960) 20,016 (987)
Men 3,847 (10) 3,829 (9) 3,799 (10)
Women 15,768 (985) 15,816 (951) 16,217 (977)
In Japan 19,600 (995) 19,628 (960) 19,982 (987)
In the Asia-Pacific region 15 (0) 17 (0) 22 (0)
In Europe/North America 0 (0) 0 (0) 12 (0)

* The number of employees shows the number of employed staff excluding executive officers. The number of part-time workers is shown in parentheses as an annual average, which is not included in the number of employees.

* The figures for part-time workers differ from the "Financial Report" due to the rounding-off process.

Number of Employees and Number of People Hired at the Three Life Insurance Companies
Number of employees Number of people hired
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees Total 17,945 17,963 18,396 3,464 3,090 3,232
Men 3,379 3,356 3,352 158 142 167
Women 14,566 14,607 15,044 3,306 2,948 3,065
Sales representatives Total 12,239 12,233 12,593 3,181 2,820 2,941
Men 293 290 274 45 38 34
Women 11,946 11,943 12,319 3,136 2,782 2,907
Administrative Total 5,706 5,730 5,803 283 270 291
113 104 133
170 166 158

* Managers include general managers section heads at the head offices, deputy office heads and assistant managers, etc. to directors and other executives.

Whistleblower System

Number of Calls Received by the T&D Insurance Group Helpline
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
320 309 354

Occurrence of harassment

Number of Occurrence of harassment (FY2022)
Item No.
Number of cases received 112
Number of cases certified harassment 9
Number of cases resolved during FY2022 9

* T&D Holdings and its directly owned subsidiaries

* Total of the T&D Insurance Group Helpline and the harassment consultation desk etc.

Customer privacy protection

Number of complaints received about personal information (FY2022)
Complaints related to handling of personal information: 145

Holding of Various Conferences

Holding of Various Conferences (FY2022)
Number of times committee met Attendance Attendance rate Main members and attendees
Board of Directors 16 times 98.5% Directors
Audit and Supervisory Committee 18 times 97.6% Directors (Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
Executive Management Board 42 times 98.2% President, executive vice president, and executive officers in charge of specified areas of operations, etc.
Group Strategy Board 13 times 98.7% President, executive officers in charge of the business planning units and business management units, and the presidents of Taiyo Life and Daido Life, etc.

Tax Payment Amount

FY2022: Tax Payment Amount by Country
Country/ region Number of employees Ordinary revenues (¥ million) Profit before tax (¥ million) Corporation tax and resident tax, etc. (¥ million) Amount of corporation tax, etc. paid (¥ million)
Japan 20,010 3,297,321 ▲52,708 34,601 5,736
United States* 6 433 35 4 4
Consolidated adjustment, etc. 83,644 51,299
Total/ amount recorded in consolidated financial statement 20,016 3,214,110 ▲103,972 34,605 5,740

* The company in the United States is T&D United Capital North America Inc. (one company).

The tax payment amount is audited by the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the independent auditor and then approved by the Board of Directors.

Political contributions

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
¥0 ¥0 ¥0

* T&D Holdings

Initiatives to Address the Environment

Environmental Performance Data

CO2 Emissions
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
SCOPE1 1,882 t 1,835 t 1,697 t ★
SCOPE2 43,335 t 42,153 t 39,864 t ★
SCOPE3 34,367 t 31,085 t 58,464 t ★
Category 1 184 t 177 t 183 t ★
Category 2 16,630 t 13,246 t 40,412 t ★
Category 3 8,116 t 8,202 t 8,151 t ★
Category 5 33 t 31 t 37 t ★
Category 6 2,550 t 2,554 t 2,602 t ★
Category 7 6,854 t 6,875 t 7,079 t ★
Total 79,584 t 75,072 t 100,025 t ★

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (100%)

Electricity Consumption
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Electricity consumption 96,711 MWh 96,000 MWh 94,365 MWh ★
Renewable energy purchased 801 MWh 4,948 MWh 8,937 MWh ★
Total floor space (including portion for tenant use) 954,207 m2 941,227 m2 949,935 m2

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (100%)

Water Consumption
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 ★
Water consumption (Utility + reclaimed water) 44,200 m3 42,000 m3 45,200 m3
Reclaimed water usage rate 1.2% 3.2% 2.7%

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (44.91%)

* For details regarding the calculation method, see the scope and calculation methods in “Environmental Performance Data” and “Group-wide Targets and Results.”

Waste Generated & Recycling Rate
Paper waste FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 ★
Total amount 249 t 238 t 279 t
Recycling rate 71.8% 66.6% 71.9%
Non-paper waste FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 ★
Total amount 76 t 67 t 35 t
Recycling rate 61.1% 66.7% 29.1%

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* The amount of "Non-paper waste" and the recycling rate for "Non-paper waste" have decreased due to the change in the aggregate classification of cardboard from "Non-paper waste" to "Paper waste" in some buildings in FY2022.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (44.91%)

Group-wide Targets and Results

CO2 Emissions
Baseline (FY2013) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2) 59,908 t 44,817 t 43,612 t 41,199 t ★
Total floor space 888,529 m2 950,959 m2 938,081 m2 946,852 m2
Per unit of floorspace 0.0674 t/m2 0.0471 t/m2 0.0465 t/m2 0.0435 t/m2
Compared to baseline 69.9%

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (100%)

Electricity Consumption
Baseline (FY2016) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Electricity consumption 97,223 MWh 95,813 MWh 95,139 MWh 93,548 MWh ★
Total floor space 875,682 m2 950,959 m2 938,081 m2 946,852 m2
Per unit of floor space 111.0 kWh/m2 100.8 kWh/m2 101.4 kWh/m2 98.8 kWh/m2
Compared to baseline 90.7%

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* As nearly all of the Group’s CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2) are derived from the usage of purchased electricity, we have set targets for reducing electricity use and controlling energy consumption, with the aim of reducing our CO2 emissions.

* The reduction target is based on the premise that the CO2 reduction target of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan is achieved. It is equivalent to the reduction target (services/commercial buildings sectors) based on the scientific ground, combined with the relevant portion.

* Starting in FY2019, the measurements include Pet & Family Insurance.

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (100%)

Office Paper Consumption
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Progress made (average of FY2019 – FY2022)
129.43 t 100.70 t 96.70 t 99.83 t 106.67 t (approx. 25.0% reduction from baseline)

★Indicates limited verification has been carried out by a third party.

* Starting from FY2019, the figures include Pet & Family Insurance Co., Ltd.

* Total amount of office paper purchased

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (89.21%)

Green Purchasing Ratio
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
91.9% 92.6% 93.1%
(target exceeded by 13.1%)

* Applies to purchases through online purchasing systems

* Data coverage: fraction of Group employees included in the target employee set (89.08%)

Scope and Calculation Methods of Environmental Performance Data and Group-wide Targets and Results

Scope of Environmental Performance Data and Group-wide Targets and Results
Disclosure item Scope
Environmental performance data CO2 emissions Scope 1 (Direct emissions) T&D Group (since FY2018); major Group companies (FY2017 and earlier)
Scope 2 (Indirect emissions) T&D Group (since FY2018); major Group companies (FY2017 and earlier)
Scope 3 (Others)
Category 1 (Purchased goods and services) Major Group business sites and Pet & Family Insurance, excluding sales offices and branches of Taiyo Life and Daido Life
Category 2 (capital goods) T&D Group
Category 3 (fuel-and energy-related activities) T&D Group
Category 5 (Waste generated in operations) Major Group buildings
Category 6 (Business travel) T&D Group
Category 7 (Employee commuting) T&D Group
Electricity consumption (Total floor space), Renewable energy purchased T&D Group (since FY2018); major Group companies (FY2017 and earlier)
Water Consumption Major Group buildings
Waste Generated & Recycling Rate Major Group buildings
Group-wide targets and results CO2 emissions,
Electricity consumption
T&D Holdings, core Group companies and Pet & Family Insurance
Office paper use Major Group business sites and Pet & Family Insurance, excluding sales offices and branches of Taiyo Life and Daido Life
Green Purchasing Ratio Major Group buildings
Calculation scope Major group companies, business sites, and buildings included in the calculation scope
T&D Group
  • - T&D Holdings, Taiyo Life, Daido Life, T&D Financial Life, T&D Asset Management, T&D Information System
  • - Buildings owned by Taiyo Life and Daido Life (including tenant leases)
  • - Pet & Family Insurance, T&D Confirm, Toyo Insurance Agency, Daido Management Service, T&D Lease, Taiyo Credit Guarantee, T&D Customer Services, Nihon System Shuno, Zenkoku Business Center
Major Group companies
  • - T&D Holdings, Taiyo Life, Daido Life, T&D Financial Life, T&D Asset Management, T&D Information System
  • - Buildings owned by Taiyo Life and Daido Life (including tenant leases)
Core Group companies
  • - Taiyo Life, Daido Life, T&D Financial Life, T&D Asset Management
Major Group business sites
  • - Each business site of T&D Holdings, Taiyo Life, Daido Life, T&D Financial Life and T&D Asset Management (excluding tenant leases of buildings owned by Taiyo Life and Daido Life)
Major Group buildings
  • - Tokyo Nihombashi Tower, Daido Life Osaka Head Office Building, Taiyo Life Nihonbashi Building, Taiyo Life Urawa Building, Hamamatsucho Building, Mita Bellju Building
Calculation Methods of Environmental Performance Data and Group-wide Targets and Results
Disclosure item Calculation method
Environmental performance data
CO2 emissions Scope 1 (Direct emissions) The figures were calculated by multiplying the measured energy input by the predetermined coefficient in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emission Volume Calculation, Reporting, and Disclosing System. (The measured energy input comprises the measured gas, heavy oil, and kerosene.)
Scope 2 (Indirect emissions) As above. (The measured energy input comprises the measured electric power, steam, and hot and cold water.)
Scope 3 (Others) Group-wide Calculations are based on the Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
Category 1 (Purchased goods and services) Calculated by multiplying the office paper use by the predetermined coefficient.
Category 2 (capital goods) Calculated by multiplying the expenditure for purchased capital goods, excluding land, by the predetermined coefficient.
Category 3 (fuel-and energy-related activities) The figures were calculated by multiplying the measured input of electric power, steam, and hot and cold water by the predetermined coefficient.
Category 5 (Waste generated in operations) Calculated by multiplying the waste generated by the predetermined coefficient.
Category 6 (Business travel) Calculated by multiplying the number of Group personnel at the end of the fiscal year by the predetermined coefficient.
Category 7 (Employee commuting) Calculated by multiplying the number of Group personnel by employment type and urban development level at the end of the fiscal year, by the predetermined coefficient.
Total The total emissions from the sum of Scope 1 (Direct emissions), Scope 2 (Indirect emissions), and Scope 3 (Others).
Electricity consumption The annual amount of office-use electricity purchased from each energy-supplying company is calculated in accordance with the law concerning the rational use of energy and the conversion to non-fossil energy sources.
Renewable energy purchased The total amount of purchased electricity derived from renewable energy sources provided by electricity utilities in accordance with the Law on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Use of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources.
Water consumption The reportable item according to the environmental reporting guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment comprises the amount used on the invoices, etc. received from the water supply authorities.
Waste generated & recycling rate Group-wide Measured based on the Waste Disposal & Public Cleansing Law and other laws concerned with waste disposal and cleaning.
Waste generated Calculated according to the invoices received from waste disposal companies.
Recycling rate The recycled amount is calculated according to the invoices received from waste disposal companies, and the recycling rate is calculated by dividing the recycled amount by the waste generated.
Group-wide targets and results
CO2 emissions The figures were calculated by multiplying the measured energy input by the predetermined coefficient in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emission Volume Calculation, Reporting, and Disclosing System.
(The measured energy input comprises the measured gas, heavy oil, kerosene, electric power, steam, and hot and cold water.)
Electricity consumption Calculated from annual electricity purchased by the office in accordance with the relevant energy saving law.
Office paper use A reportable item according to the environmental reporting guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment, and is calculated from the purchasing system data.

Independent Assurance Report

The T&D Insurance Group obtained third-party assurance from Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC for fiscal 2022 data presented in section "Employment of Persons with Disabilities" "Environmental Performance Data" and section "Group-wide Targets and Results" in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised) and 3410 (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board).

Independent Assurance Report

Other Initiatives

Corporate Philanthropic Contributions

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Donations ¥261.98 million ¥105.47 million ¥103.96 million
Community Investments ¥129.03 million ¥152.88 million ¥276.61 million
Employee Volunteering ¥0.38 million ¥0.39 million ¥14.89 million
Management Overheads ¥4.14 million ¥4.85 million ¥8.02 million
Total ¥395.53 million ¥263.59 million ¥403.48 million

Activities to Respond to the Customer Feedback

Customer Complaints by Type (Taiyo Life)
Type of feedback FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. received % No. received % No. received %
New contracts 1,907 31.7% 2,170 32.6% 1,919 20.8%
Payment of premiums, etc. 355 5.9% 381 5.7% 375 4.0%
Conservation work 1,203 20.0% 1,246 18.7% 1,067 11.6%
Insurance claims
and benefits
1,060 17.6% 1,508 22.6% 3,947 42.8%
Others 1,498 24.9% 1,355 20.3% 1,918 20.8%
Total 6,023 100.0% 6,660 100.0% 9,226 100.0%

* "Complaints" refers to an expression of dissatisfaction by customers.

Customer Complaints by Type (Daido Life)
Type of feedback FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. received % No. received % No. received %
Purchase of life
insurance policy
809 13.1% 802 13.4% 774 12.3%
Payment of premiums 429 6.9% 454 7.6% 355 5.6%
Procedures after
making a contract, etc.
2,200 35.6% 2,015 33.8% 1,815 28.9%
Payment of insurance
claims and benefits
980 15.9% 1,087 18.2% 1,556 24.8%
Other 1,763 28.5% 1,607 26.9% 1,785 28.4%
Total 6,181 100.0% 5,965 100.0% 6,285 100.0%

* "Complaints" refers to customers’ complaints and dissatisfaction about products and services, and expressions of dissatisfaction. No. received may not total 100 as figures are rounded to two decimal places.

Customer Complaints by Type (T&D Financial Life)
Type of feedback FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. received % No. received % No. received %
New contracts 209 23.6% 284 32.8% 315 36.5%
Payment of premiums, etc. 60 6.8% 69 8.0% 45 5.2%
Procedures after
making a contract
371 41.9% 310 35.8% 328 38.0%
Insurance claims and benefits 146 16.5% 118 13.6% 105 12.2%
Others 100 11.3% 86 9.9% 70 8.1%
Total 886 100.0% 867 100.0% 863 100.0%

* "Complaints" refers to customers’ complaints and dissatisfaction about products and services, and expressions of dissatisfaction.